exclusively for you!

the black men healing brotherhood

A holistic healing community created exclusively
for Black men that will help members
transform their entire lives.

The Black Men Healing Brotherhood Is A Collective Healing Experience That Is Dedicated To Helping Members Improve Their Mental, Physical, Spiritual and Financial Well-being.

This Is A Safe Space Created
Exclusively For Black Men:

An approved application is required to join the Black Men Healing Brotherhood to uphold our commitment to providing a safe space for Black men to collectively heal together.

Your Black Men Healing Brotherhood Membership Benefits include:

* Monthly Black Men Healing Masterclasses

* Monthly Black Men Healing Handbooks

* Monthly Power Hour

* Online Black Men Healing Circles

* Special Members Only Discounts on Black Men Healing Sessions (Your first Black Men Healing Session is free, and will be scheduled after you complete your membership application)

* Private Members Only Community

* Exclusive Membership Discounts

* Exclusive Special Events

* You will have Your Healing In Your Hands with a mobile app to access your membership benefits and Brotherhood Community on the go!

***Please Note:
You must have a free BlackMenHealing.com account before you can apply for the Black Men Healing Brotherhood membership. If you don't have an account, you can sign up at: BlackMenHealing.com/my-account

You will use your BlackMenHealing.com account email address and password to sign up for the membership.

request an invitation
to join the brotherhood

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.